
Participate in a Blue Metropolis project. If your project fits with one of the themes for each year, your could earn substitution fees and resources to help enact the project.

Book Love Foundation grants provide funds to K-12 teachers in the US and Canada to build or improve their classroom libraries. Applications are due in the spring – requirements can be seen here.
The Culture in the Schools program provides financial assistance to school administrators and teachers to support the organization of arts and culture projects at school. All public and private French and English schools offering preschool, elementary and secondary education (youth sector) are eligible. Its aim is to increase the number of cultural experiences offered to students through the collaboration of the artists, writers and professional cultural organizations listed in the Répertoire de ressources culture-éducation directory.

ELAN offers a number of interesting opportunities for SELA classrooms in 2021-2022:
- Poet in Class – Poetry in Voice (bring a poet to your class to share their poetry or run a writing workshop)
- Modeling Memory – Liana Cusmano (A workshop your students will not forget!)
- Fiction: It’s All in the Details – Lori Weber (local author offering authentic writing experiences)
Professional Development & Innovation Grants (PDIG)
Available to public and private schools and centres in the youth, adult and vocational training sectors, there are two categories of grants available:
(1) Professional Development Grants are to improve pedagogical practice. Funds cover release time for a minimum of 2 teachers to collaborate on and participate in PD activities relating to the (QEP); and,
(2) The Innovation Grants are to create systemic change within the school/centre. Funds provide release time to pilot a project, the results of which should be sustainable after the initial year. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION
Reading Recognition Awards
The Reading Recognition Awards are designed to pay tribute to projects initiated within the school community that inspire a love of reading and promote the use of different resources. Selection committees will assess the projects in order to select those that were most involved in their community. They must have sparked the students’ interest and helped them to develop their reading skills. ATEQ also sponsors one Anglophone project per year.
See the winning project 2013/14 and 2016/17 (both funded by a GET grant!)